Eyes and Prize

  • 2018, UK, 91min
  • Director: Oliver Cane
  • Writers: Oliver Cane
  • Cast: Gerard McDermott, Jackson Bews, Alanna Flynn, Nick Blakeley
  • Watch on iTunes
  • IMDb

Your fifteen minutes of fame can last a whole lot longer than that.


The Last Christmas

  • 2015, UK, 12min
  • Director: Oliver Cane
  • Writers: Simon Wharf
  • Cast: Laurence Saunders, Sam Fugill

On Christmas morning, when the children ask: “Why are there no presents?” – You’ll know who to blame.

Short Film

Enemy of the Stars

  • 2015, UK, 60min
  • Director: Oliver Cane, Chris Lewis
  • Writers: Adapted from a Wyndham Lewis play
  • Cast: Colin Edwards, Daniel Woodington
  • Bath Spa University Production

Stranded in a hut somewhere on the Upper Baltic, a sinister cast confront existence in this Modernist powerhouse from 1914.

  • Enemy of the Stars
  • Enemy of the Stars

Cinematic Theatre

Pussy Cat

  • 2012, UK, 20min
  • Director: Simon Wharf
  • Writers: Simon Wharf
  • Cast: Eric Colvin, Margaret Jackman, Patrycja Halina Oprawko

A film about sex, marriage and a cat.

Winner of the IMDb Script to Screen Award and Best Short at the Royal Television Society West of England Awards 2013.

  • Pussy Cat
  • Pussy Cat

Short Film


  • 2011, UK, 21min
  • Director: Oliver Cane
  • Writers: Simon Wharf, Oliver Cane
  • Cast: Tom Butcher, Corrinne Wicks, Simon Carroll-Jones, Gwilym Lloyd, Caroline Garland, Richard Ashley

A disaffected recluse struggles to write his first novel, while around him the residents of a vast tower block battle a growing darkness.

  • Block
  • Block
  • Block

Short Film